Наша школьная символика

The Official Website

of Secondary School # 35,



 Mission, vision and the logo of the School

Mission, vision and the logo of the School were worked out together with the public, the teaching staff and the students of the school.


The Mission of the School.


     The mission of the school is to achieve long-term partnership with the students, their parents, to form   inquisitive students as the subject of the educational process.

     The school aims to enable the students to become productive members of a social community with the help of the skilled staff of our educational institution.


The Vision of the School


Teaching with inspire.                     To raise and create.

Be professionals!                             With love to the children.

School joy for all!


The School LogoЛоготип школы на значках учеников Логотип школыПервая эмблема школы


It is a picture that combines a model of the globe - a globe - our common home, a book - a symbol of aspiration for knowledge, there is a happy man on the cover of the book and there is also a notation in music, that means aspiration for art.   

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